
Cover October

October's cover shows a variety of seeds from the paper - "Interspecific differences in maternal support in herbaceous plants: CNP contents in seeds varies to match expected nutrient limitation of seedlings" Seed nutrient content is the key part of mother provision in...

Stable nitrogen isotope analysis of amino acids as a new tool to clarify complex parasite–host interactions within food webs

Stable nitrogen isotope analysis of amino acids as a new tool to clarify complex parasite-host interactions within food webs This study explores the trophic relations between parasites and their hosts by applying stable isotopes to clarify parasite feeding strategies...

Welcome Ellen Decaestecker - New SE

We are very happy to have evolutionary ecologist Ellen Decaestecker join our Editorial Board at Oikos! She is a full-time professor at KU Leuven in the Faculty of Science and has been kind enough to present herself in the interview questions below! Take a look! 1. Main...

Cover September

For this month's cover we chose this photo of a damselfly! It is from a study that shows that across different populations and geographic regions, early hatched organisms show advantage over later hatched ones, but that the advantage is reflected only in some traits...

How do we bring public health and ecosystem science together to tackle antimicrobial resistance?

BLOG POST FOR IGNITE PAPER: " Improving the dialogue between public health and ecosystem science on antimicrobial resistance " In 2017 I was sitting in an office talking to Piran White and Hilary Graham at the Department of Health Sciences at the University of York, UK...

Cover August

This month's cover features an illustration inspired by the FORUM PAPER titled "Deriving indicators of biodiversity change from unstructured community-contributed data" Citizen science is a vast and growing resource for understanding global biodiversity as it shifts in...

Resistance, Tolerance and Host Competence

Parasite spread in experimental metapopulations: Resistance, Tolerance and Host Competence Understanding why some individuals transmit infectious disease more than others has been a goal of epidemiologists and disease ecologists for quite some time, however most of the...

The effects of phenology, time constraints and latitude of origin on damselfy life histories

Size-mediated priority effects are trait-dependent and consistent across latitudes in a damselfly The hatching date and length of the growth season can impact ecological interactions. We expected that organisms that hatch early in the season will perform better...

Cover July

This month's cover is from an Ignite paper where they test the hypothesis that plant facilitation can both accelerate the invasion process and amplify the negative effects of an invader on the native community. Read the full paper by Lortie et al. (2021) : Facilitation...

Cover May

May's cover shows us Glanville fritillary butterfly (Melitaea cinxia) larvae, the study species from Rytteri et al. (2021) - Microclimatic variability buffers butterfly populations against increased mortality caused by phenological asynchrony between larvae and their...

Welcome Scott Burgess - New SE

Scott Burgess is now a Subject Editor at OIKOS! We are very happy to have him join our team, welcome! He is an Associate Professor at Florida State University (USA). He has kindly answered some interview questions so we can get to know him better. Check it out!...

Welcome Marco Molina-Montenegro - New SE

We are very excited to have Marco Molina-Montenegro join our team at Oikos as a Subject Editor. He is a Professor at the University of Talca in Chile. Keep reading to learn more about him and his work! 1. What's your main research focus at the moment? I am broadly...

Not everyone makes up for lost time equally!

Why time-limited individuals can make populations more vulnerable to disturbance Individual variation may make some individuals more vulnerable to disturbance than others. Besides that individuals differ in how they respond to disturbance, we show that time-limited...

Welcome Deliang Kong - New SE

Belowground does not mean out of sight! Join us in welcoming Deliang Kong as our new plant root ecology expert in our Editorial Board! He is a professor at Henan Agricultural University in China. He has kindly told us a bit about himself and his research in the...

Call for papers on root ecology!

Root traits and functioning: from individual plants to ecosystems Special Issue in Oikos (Photo credit root pictures: Wim van Egmond) Roots play critical roles in plant communities and ecosystems—but compared to leaves and stems, these hidden underground structures are...

Cover April

Spring is here and the pollinators are hard at work! This month's cover portrays a carpenter bee ( Xylocopa violacea ) pollinating the flowers of the honeysuckle ( Lonicera etrusca ) while behaving as a nectar robber. They are the study species for "Nectar robbing and...

Peatlands - a major soil carbon pool?

Cover Photo Credit: Audrey Campeau/ CC BY 3.0 The authors of " Rewiring of peatland plant–microbe networks outpaces species turnover" would like to share some additional thoughts with you. What are your thoughts? Turnover in plant–microbial interactions...

Retreat, detour or advance?

Take a look at this paper's SPECULATIONS section! Do you agree with the authors? What are your thoughts? Retreat, detour or advance? Understanding the movements of birds confronting the Gulf of Mexico (Zenzal et al. 2021) "The ability for migrating birds to stop en...

Grazing and the vanishing complexity of plant association networks

Grazing and the vanishing complexity of plant association networks Plants do not grow in isolation in nature but interact with their neighbors – this can determine how the community as a whole will respond to environmental changes. If we are to understand the effect of...

Welcome Kathryn Stewart - New SE

Join us at Oikos in welcoming our new Subject Editor Kathryn Stewart! She is currently a postdoctoral researcher in the Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics at the University of Amsterdam. Read about her research interests and background in the following...


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