
Cover August 2022

This month's cover shows us a pack of wolves caught by a camera trap for the study - "Predator control alters wolf interactions with prey and competitor species over the diel cycle" by Frey et al. 2022. ABSTRACT Predator control remains one of the most common...

Welcome Isabel C Barrio - NEW SE

We are very happy to welcome Isabel C. Barrio (Professor, Agricultural University of Iceland) to our editorial board! Website: KEYWORDS: tundra, herbivory, alpine, grazing, invertebrate herbivory, biotic interactions 1. What's...

Welcome Sandra Hamel - NEW SE

Sandra Hamel has joined our Editorial Board at OIKOS! Take a glance at her welcome interview below! Website: Keywords: life histories, population dynamics, behavioural ecology, statistical ecology, wildlife management...


SPECIAL ISSUE: The role of the nutritional quality of resources in ecosystem functioning Table of Contents: Editorial: Editors of the Special Issue: Michael Danger, Alexandre Bec...

Fruit bat-people interactions: benefits, costs, or risks?

Photo 1: Day roost of The Indian Flying Fox Forbidden fruits? Ecosystem services from seed dispersal by fruit bats in the context of latent zoonotic risk Bats can be effective seed dispersers of many forest trees and fruit crops, in...

Cover April 2022

As spring is arriving in the Northern Hemisphere we greet you with April's cover! The photo illustrates a couple of findings from the study " Simple attributes predict the value of plants as hosts to fungal and arthropod communities " (Bruun et al., 2022), i.e. that...

Welcome Emanuel Fronhofer - New SE

We are very happy to have Emanuel Fronhofer join our Editorial Board at OIKOS! His lab is based at the Institut des Sciences de l'Evolution (ISEM) of the CNRS and the University of Montpellier, France, where they aim to understand the evolution of life-history...

Cover March 2022

The cover image for the MARCH issue shows us a Catalonian midwife toad ( Alytes almogavarii ) from the study " Physiology and acclimation potential are tuned with phenology in larvae of a prolonged breeder amphibian " by Enriquez-Urzelai et al. 2021. Abstract Due to...

Call for papers - The role of whole genome duplication in evolutionary ecology

Special Issue: The role of whole genome duplication in evolutionary ecology Editors: Kari A. Segraves and Thomas J. Anneberg When an entire genome doubles or triples, and a polyploid organism emerges, what happens next? Whole genome duplication is a pervasive...

Welcome Marcos Fernández Martínez - New SE

Marcos Fernández Martínez joins oikos' editorial board as a SUBJECT EDITOR! Welcome! Dr. Marcos Fernández-Martínez is a postdoctoral researcher at the Ecological and Forestry Applications Research Centre (CREAF) and collaborator of the Global Ecology Unit and the...

Special Issue: Frugivory & Seed Dispersal

A cock-of the rock ( Rupicola rupicola ), a specialized frugivore, feeding on palm fruits. Photo credit: João Paulo Krajewski. Take a Look at this Special Issue: Frugivory & Seed Dispersal #OIKOS_FSD Table of Contents:

Welcome Hideyuki Doi - New SE

JOIN US AT OIKOS IN WELCOMING HIDEYUKI DOI TO OUR EDITORIAL BOARD! He joins us from the University of Hyogo, Japan. Keywords: community ecology, food web, aquatic ecology, biodiversity, climate change, environmental DNA Take a look at his introductory interview below!...

A novel form of physiologically based plant facilitation results in stable coexistence between two competitive shrubs

Facilitation at early growth stages results in spatial associations and stable coexistence in late growth stages of two long-lived, dominant shrubs Instead of competitively excluding each other in their resource-limited habitat, we observed two dominant, highly...

Cover January 2022

HAPPY NEW YEAR FROM OIKOS! For JANUARY's cover we are greeted by a bull moose about to take a bite of a deciduous shrub in Isle Royale National Park, USA. The image is from a study "The nutritional condition of moose co-varies with climate, but not with density,...

Welcome Carolina Tovar - New SE

We are thrilled to welcome Carolina Tovar to our Editorial Board at Oikos! She is a research leader in Spatial and data analysis at The Royal Botanic Gardens Kew, and specializes in biogeography, conservation, biodiversity, ecology, and tropical ecosystems! Read her...

Cover November

NOVEMBER's cover shows us a relic of a time long ago when Europe was covered in glaciers, the rock ptarmigan ( Lagopus mutus helveticus ), a mountain-dwelling species of bird whose future is threatened due to ongoing warming in the Alps. This is one of the species...

Experimental river noise alters arthropod abundance

The world is a noisy place, yet as visual creatures, ecologists have largely ignored its potential role as an important niche axis. Only recently has it gained broad attention, as the negative effects of anthropogenic noise on wildlife (especially vertebrates) have...

Cover October

October's cover shows a variety of seeds from the paper - "Interspecific differences in maternal support in herbaceous plants: CNP contents in seeds varies to match expected nutrient limitation of seedlings" Seed nutrient content is the key part of mother provision in...

Stable nitrogen isotope analysis of amino acids as a new tool to clarify complex parasite–host interactions within food webs

Stable nitrogen isotope analysis of amino acids as a new tool to clarify complex parasite-host interactions within food webs This study explores the trophic relations between parasites and their hosts by applying stable isotopes to clarify parasite feeding strategies...

Welcome Ellen Decaestecker - New SE

We are very happy to have evolutionary ecologist Ellen Decaestecker join our Editorial Board at Oikos! She is a full-time professor at KU Leuven in the Faculty of Science and has been kind enough to present herself in the interview questions below! Take a look! 1. Main...


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