Journal Information
Oikos publishes original and innovative research on all aspects of ecology, defined as organism-environment interactions at various spatiotemporal scales, so including macroecology and evolutionary ecology. Emphasis is on theoretical and empirical work aimed at generalization and synthesis across taxa, systems and ecological disciplines. Papers can contribute to new developments in ecology by reporting novel theory or critical empirical results, and "synthesis" can include developing new theory, tests of general hypotheses, or bringing together established or emerging areas of ecology. Confirming or extending the established literature, by for example showing results that are novel for a new taxon, or purely applied research, is given low priority.
We publish standard Research papers, Meta-analyses, Forum, Ignite and Dialogues. Forum papers are short papers, that aim to stimulate discussion by promoting ideas and synthesis of high novelty. Forum articles must strive for conceptual unification and serve as a point of departure for future work rather than just summarizing existing bodies of theory and data. Dialogues fosters the articulation of constructive debate by confronting alternative, conflicting, or opposing viewpoints among contributors. Ignites address critical ecological research topics by igniting further and critical research. In contrast to traditional research papers, ignites may report unexpected patterns and processes in nature without having a strong explanatory basis.
Papers in the Forum, Ignite and Dialogue sections are given priority in the publication process.
It is the mission of Oikos to advance synthesis in ecology by promoting an open and inclusive science that reflects diversity of approaches, taxa and environments. Oikos recognises that these aims can only be reached by welcoming submissions from authors of all origins, races, ethnicities, religions, ages, career stages, gender identities, sexes, sexual orientations, disabilities, or any other individual state. We request all authors to adhere to Best Practices in Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in Research as provided by their institutions, funding agencies or other sources.
Oikos is available as fulltext for subscribers on-line at and at Wiley Online Library. Back issues of Oikos are available at JSTOR,
Oikos does not publish book reviews.
Oikos is an official journal of the Nordic Society Oikos (NSO).
Paulo R. Guimarães Jr, University of Sāo Paulo, Brazil
Professor Pedro Peres-Neto, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada
Please direct all correspondence to the managing editor, Dr Åsa Langefors, at oikos [at] oikosoffice [dot] lu [dot] se
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