Editorial Board
Pedro Peres-Neto, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada
Paulo R. Guimarães Jr, University of Sāo Paulo, Brazil
Managing Editor
Åsa Langefors, Lund, Sweden
oikos [at] oikosoffice [dot] lu [dot] se
Editorial Assistant
Monica Gabell, Lund, Sweden
Michaëla Berdougo, Lund, Sweden
assistant-ed [at] oikosoffice [dot] lu [dot] se
Technical Editor
Petter Oscarson, Lund, Sweden
oikostech [at] oikosoffice [dot] lu [dot] se
Editorial Office
Oikos Editorial Office
Ecology Building
Lund University
SE-223 62 Lund
oikos [at] oikosoffice [dot] lu [dot] se
Subject Editors
Karen Abbott, Cleveland, Ohio, USA – theoretical ecology, spatial ecology, stochasticity, and transient dynamics
Isabel C. Barrio, Reykjavík, Iceland – tundra, herbivory, grazing, invertebrate herbivory, biotic interactions, arctic and alpine ecosystems
Léa Beaumelle, Toulouse, France – soil biodiversity, ecosystem functioning, above-belowground interactions, global change biology, pollution, agroecology
Carolina Bello, Zurich, Switzerland - Species interactions, Functional diversity, Ecosystem services, Defaunation, Forest restoration, Carbon Cycle
Matthew Bracken, Irvine, USA – biodiversity, bottom-up processes, community ecology, consumers, ecosystem functioning, herbivory, nutrients, physiologial ecology, predation, top-down processes
James Bullock, Wallingford, UK – demography, dispersal, population modelling, invasions, conservation, restoration, ecosystem services
Jarret Byrnes, Boston, USA – biodiversity, ecosystem function, marine ecology, kelp forest, fouling communities, meta-analysis, structural equation modeling, statistical ecology
Paul Caplat, Belfast, UK – spatial ecology, land-use change, population biology, landscape ecology, integrative modelling, invasion biology, dispersal ecology, predictive traits, temperate forests, temperate agroecosystems
Eliana Cazetta, Ilhéus, Brazil – frugivory, landscape ecology, seed dispersal, plant-animal interactions, pollination
Karoline Ceron, Fortaleza, Brazil – trophic ecology, ecological networks, metacommunity dynamics, natural history of neotropical herpetofauna
David Chalcraft, Greenville, USA – species interactions, pred-prey, plasticity, biodiversity, community assembly, community ecology, ecosystem function and stability
Si-Chong Chen, Wuhan, China – macroecology, biogeography, plant ecology, seed ecology, species interaction
Julien Cote, Tolouse, France – dispersal, biological invasions, intraspecific phenotypic variation, climate change, animal personality
Dylan Craven, Santiago, Chile – functional biogeography, diversity-stability, biodiversity - ecosystem function (BEF), secondary succession, functional ecology, macroecology
Antonino Cusumano, Palermo, Italy – plant-insect herbivore interactions, plant-herbivore-microbe interactions, parasitoid ecology, insect chemical ecology
Melanie Dammhahn, Münster, Germany – animal ecology, behavioural ecology, life history, and community ecology particularly in mammals
Gerlinde De Deyn, Wageningen, the Netherlands – plant-soil interactions, plant traits, nematodes, mycorrhiza, grassland, trait-based ecology, carbon sequestration
Ellen Decaestecker, Kortrijk, Belgium – host-pathogen, parasite interactions, epigenetics, immunology, host-microbiome interactions, eco-evolutionary dynamics
Steven Declerck, Wageningen, the Netherlands – rapid adaptation, experimental evolution, ecological stoichiometry, aquatic ecology, zooplankton, biodiversity
Hideyuki Doi, Kyoto, Japan – community ecology, food web, aquatic ecology, biodiversity, climate change, environmental DNA
Allan Edelsparre, Toronto, Canada – movement ecology, polymorphism, habitat/landscape connectivity, animal personality, behaviour genetics, dispersal/migration, foraging
Marcos Fernández-Martínez, Barcelona, Spain – ecological stoichiometry, functional traits, ecosystem functioning, carbon balance, bryophyte ecology, plant reproduction
Emanuel Fronhofer, Montpellier, France – evolutionary ecology, eco-evolutionary dynamics, metapopulations, metacommunities, dispersal, experimental evolution, agent-based models
Benoit Gauzens, Leipzig, Germany – networks, food webs, population dynamics, global change, ecosystem functioning
Stefan Geisen, Wageningen, the Netherlands – soil ecology, microbiome interactions, higher trophic organisms (trophic cascades etc), plant-soil interactions
Jean-Philippe Gibert, Durham, NC, United States – food webs, microbial food webs, temperature, eco-evo, theory, microcosms
Bente Graae, Trondheim, Norway – plant functional traits, seedling recruitment, seed dispersal, plant communities, land-use changes, restoration ecology
Pamela Graff, Buenos Aires, Argentina – plant-animal interactions, community ecology, grassland ecology, plant facilitation, grazing, restoration ecology, plant invasion
Jacopo Grilli, Trieste, Italy – ecological networks, microbial communities, macroecology, theoretical ecology
Anna Gårdmark, Uppsala, Sweden – food-web dynamics, species interactions, aquatic ecology, fish communities
Sandra Hamel, Quebec, Canada – life histories, population dynamics, behavioural ecology, statistical ecology, wildlife management and conservation
Simon P. Hart, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia – population dynamics, community dynamics, species coexistence, evolution, plasticity, intraspecific variation, fluctuating environments, abrupt ecological change, plants, freshwater
Julia Kemppinen, Helsinki, Finland - plant ecology, biogeography, microclimates, tundra, arctic, alpine
Mayank Kohli, Bangalore, India – grasslands, plant-animal interaction, community ecology, ecosystem ecology, grazing, carbon dynamics, herbivores, alpine ecosystems
Deliang Kong, Zhengzhou, China – plant functional traits, global change, biodiversity, fine roots, mycorrhizal associations
Johan Kotze, Helsinki, Finland – entomology, ecosystem services, urban (ecosystem) ecology
Silke Langenheder, Uppsala, Sweden – microbial ecology, community ecology, metacommunities, community assembly, ecosystem functioning and stability, bacteria, aquatic ecology
Yanjie Liu, Changchun, China – plant ecology, plant invasions, plant-soil interactions, plant-plant interactions, phenotypic plasticity
Leif Egil Loe, Ås, Norway – arctic ecology, ungulate ecology, biotelemetry, habitat selection, movement ecology
Lucas Medeiros, Woods Hole, MA, USA - theoretical ecology, population dynamics, time series analysis, ecological stability, ecological networks, plankton ecology
Francois Massol, Lille, France – theory, community ecology, interactions, metapopulation, modelling, dispersal, metacommunity, network
Dan Mayor, Southampton, UK – sediment biogeochemistry, aquaculture and food security, plankton interactions/eco-physiology, ecological stoichiometry/nutrition, anthropogenic impact on marine environment, ecology of deepest environment on Earth
Kim McConkey, Hyderabad, India - plant-animal interactions, seed dispersal, tropical Asia & the Pacific, defaunation, megafauna, mammals
Richard Michalet, Bordeaux, France – plant community ecology, plant interactions, community genetics, biogeography, forest ecosystems, soil ecology, mountain ecology
Marco Molina-Montenegro, Talca, Chile – plant ecophysiology, Antarctic ecology, plant invasions, biodiversity, protected areas, functional ecology, plant-microorganisms symbiosis
Kailen Mooney, Irvine, USA – plants, insects, herbivory, predation, multi-trophic, community ecology
Elly Morriën, Amsterdam, the Netherlands – soil ecology, soil food webs, biodiversity-ecosystem functioning, carbon sequestration, plant-microbe interactions, stable isotope tracing
François Munoz, Grenoble, France – metapopulation, metacommunity, plant biogeography, functional ecology, theoretical ecology, tropical ecosystems
Wendt Müller, Antwerp, Belgium – maternal effects, developmental plasticity, family ecology, seabird ecology, foraging ecology
Germán Orizaola, Oviedo, Spain – evolutionary ecology, phenotypic plasticity, life history, environmental gradients, ecophysiology, radioecology, herpetology
Robin Pakeman, Aberdeen, UK – grazing, restoration, conservation, dispersal, seed regeneration and seed banks, plant functional traits, ecosystem function
John D. Parker, Edgewater, USA – plant community ecology; biological invasions; biodiversity and ecosystem function; climate change and range expansions; plant-herbivore interactions; mangroves; forest ecology
Will Pearse, Berkshire, UK – ecology, evolution, conservation, statistics, phylogeny, bioinformatics
Pedro Peres-Neto, Montreal, Canada – spatial ecology, biodiversity, community ecology, aquatic systems, quantitative ecology, fish ecology, macroecology, trait ecology, metacommunities, metapopulations, ecophylogenetics
Ignacio Perez-Ramos, Seville, Spain – climate change, functional ecology, interactions between organisms, masting, plant community dynamics, seed dispersal
Alexandra Pires, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil – conservation biology, defaunation, plant-animal interactions, rewilding, seed dispersal
Denis Réale, Montreal, Canada – life history, quantitative genetics, evolutionary ecology, behavioural ecology, animal behaviour, animal personality, host-microbiome interactions
Jiří Reif, Prague, Czechia – avian population dynamics, bird community ecology and speciation, bird behaviour and habitat selection, migration
James "Jim" D. Roth, Winnipeg, Canada – food web dynamics, predator-prey interactions, population cycles, spatial subsidies, ecosystem engineering, applications of stable isotope analysis
Eric Seabloom, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA – community ecology, disease ecology, plant ecology, biological invasions, grassland ecosystems
William "Bill" Severud, Brookings, SD, USA – population dynamics, wildlife management, predator-prey interactions, wildlife health/disease
Isabel M. Smallegange, Amsterdam, the Netherlands – demography, evolutionary ecology, behavioural ecology, population biology, polymorphisms, foraging behaviour
Kathryn Stewart, Leiden, the Netherlands – evolutionary genetics, environmental DNA, conservation, hybridization, speciation, phenotypic plasticity
Christopher M. Swan, Baltimore, MA, USA – community ecology, community assembly, dispersal, ecosystem function, decomposition, biodiversity, urban ecology, aquatic ecology, decomposition
Matthew Symonds, Melbourne, Australia – evolutionary ecology, ecology of body size and body shape, insect and bird behaviour, evolution of chemical communication, phylogenetic comparative studies
Jakub Szymkowiak, Poznań, Poland – behavioral ecology, bird ecology, ecology of information, forest ecology, habitat selection, mast seeding, plant reproduction
Peter Todd, Singapore – tropical marine ecosystems, urban marine ecology, marine biology and conservation, ecological engineering
Carolina Tovar, Surrey, UK – biogeography, conservation, biodiversity, ecology, and tropical ecosystems
Justin M. J. Travis, Aberdeen, UK – space, models, ageing, dispersal
Werner Ulrich, Torun, Poland – macroecology, particularly species-area relationships, global diversity, size distributions, statistical ecology, neutral modelling and the analysis of ecological matrices
Ciska Veen, Wageningen, the Netherlands – soil ecology, aboveground-belowground interactions, community ecology, decomposition, grasslands, grazing
Miguel Verdú, Valencia, Spain – community phylogenetics, plant facilitation
Susan Whitehead, Blacksburg, VA, USA - chemical ecology, frugivory and seed dispersal, plant-herbivore interactions, agroecology
Thorsten Wiegand, Leipzig, Germany – spatial ecology, individual-based models, point pattern analysis, inverse modeling, species coexistence
Shawn Wilder, Stillwater, Oklahoma, USA – predation, food webs, spiders, nutrition
Meike Wittmann, Bielefeld, Germany – theoretical biology, mathematical modelling, evolutionary ecology, diversity, conservation biology, small populations
Jinsong Wang, Beijing, China - global synthesis, soil biogeochemistry, root traits, ecosystem functioning, alpine ecosystems, global change
Bob Wong, Melbourne, Australia – behavioural ecology, evolutionary ecology, behavioural ecotoxicology, anthropogenic change
Sa Xiao, Lanzhou, China – plant ecology, soil ecology, above-belowground interactions, species coexistence and diversity, community structure and function
Regino Zamora, Granada, Spain – plant-animal interactions, and plant-plant interactions
Zhiwei Zhong, Changchun, China – plant-herbivore interactions, predator-prey interactions, predation risk, trophic cascades, ecosystem engineer