Submitted by editor on 19 September 2022.
We have a new subject editor! Welcome Karoline Ceron!
Keywords: trophic ecology, ecological networks, natural history
Website: https://karolceron.github.io/trophicecology
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ceronkarol
1. What's your main research focus at the moment?
My research now focuses on assessing the impact of extinctions on the biodiversity facets of predator-prey networks and how they are related to the ecosystem functioning, for example, in pest and vector control.
2. Can you describe your research career? Where, what, when?
I did my Ph.D. at UFMS (Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil) studying the structure of anuran-prey networks at global and regional scales and the assembling processes involving these metacommunities (2016-2021). During this period, I have had the luck to perform fieldwork and study the ecology of species in diverse Brazilian formations like Chaco, Cerrado, Pantanal, Amazonia, and Atlantic Forest. In my postdoc at UNICAMP (São Paulo, BR) I am investigating the biodiversity facets related to anuran-prey networks and how they affect the ecosystem functioning.
3. How come that you became a scientist in ecology?
I was a child living in a small city in the countryside of Brazil. I grew up surrounded by nature and my curiosity flourished spontaneously during this time. I remember that around ten years old I cut figures of animals from magazines and build up my own field guide with Brazilian animals. Since then, I have always known that I would be a scientist.
4. What do you do when you're not working?
I like to travel with my family and visit new places.