Insights into Oikos papers

Editor's Choice January

2017, a new year of Oikos to kick-off with two selected contributions as editor’s choices for the January issue. The first EC is the forum by Houlahan and colleagues on the priority of prediction in ecological understanding . The authors provide series of argument to...

Plant Diversity and Decomposition

CO2 becomes plant biomass through photosynthesis and then returns to the atmosphere through respiration, including the decomposition of this biomass, forming the basis of the terrestrial carbon cycle. Research has shown that higher biodiversity of plants can increase...

Meta-analyses on sub-lethal effects of hypoxia

Findings from this meta-analysis, led by graduate students Allison Hrycik (@ahrycik) and Zoe Almeida (@almeida_zoe), suggest that the biologically relevant threshold of hypoxia for fish is 4.5 mg/l of dissolved oxygen. This is higher than the ‘typical’ definition of...

December Cover

The photo on the December cover relates to the study "Immune gene variability influences roe deer natal dispersal" by Cecile Vapné and co-workers. "The photo is taken by Olivier Villa. It shows a roe buck in a meadow. This roe buck seems particurlary healthy and in...

Editor's Choice December

We chose the forum paper of Siteur and colleagues as our first EC for the December issue. The forum focusses on how relevant deviations from steady-state may change predictions of critical transitions and resilience in current ecosystem models. Such a perspective is...

Editor's Choice November

Dear Oikos-followers. It has been a long time since we updated you on the papers that were selected as editor’s choice. In November, editor’s choices were two research papers. Jakub Szymkowiak tested the intriguing hypothesis that birds may use specific social...

Where do arctic foxes go in winter?

Tracking wild carnivores is never easy. They are fast, elusive, often nocturnal, and rarely abundant. This task can be even more daunting when a species is too small to wear a tracking device that is remotely heavy or if individuals have the ability to travel very long...

Can single species responses predict community change under global warming?

In previous experiments we grew grassland mesocosms in sunlit controlled growth chambers under different climate conditions. We investigated whether grassland species would maintain their current level of stress resistance when the global climate continues to change...

Life balance - to eat or be eaten?

Food availability and predation risk can have drastic impacts on animal behaviour and populations. The trade-off between foraging and predator avoidance is fundamental for survival of animals and will strongly modify individual body mass, since large fat reserves are...

November cover

The photo on the November cover shows "a masked flowerpiercer (Diglossa cyanea) robbing the flowers of Oreocallis grandiflora (Proteaceae) in Manu National Park, Peru. Avian nectar robbing has the potential to elicit trait-mediated indirect effects on plants by...


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