Call for papers - The role of whole genome duplication in evolutionary ecology

Submitted by editor on 18 March 2022.

Special Issue: The role of whole genome duplication in evolutionary ecology

Editors: Kari A. Segraves and Thomas J. Anneberg

When an entire genome doubles or triples, and a polyploid organism emerges, what happens next? Whole genome duplication is a pervasive evolutionary force that has contributed to biodiversity across the tree of life. Successful polyploids owe their success in part to the big genomic and phenotypic changes that take place following the duplication. The new genome itself can fuel the adaptive process and alter a polyploid’s ecology and evolution. Then, polyploids can continue to differentiate as they evolve along independent trajectories from their diploid ancestors—picking up differences in alleles, traits, and adaptations to abiotic and biotic factors along the way. These changes may allow polyploid organisms to move into new ecological niches, expand their range, and interact with a suite of new and familiar species within their community.

Although we are making exciting progress testing how and when whole genome duplication impacts the evolutionary ecology of species, we have only just begun to scratch the surface in terms of understanding the linkages between polyploidy, ecology, and adaptation. In this Special Issue, we invite contributions that explore three primary research foci:

1. How the ecology of organisms is impacted by whole genome duplication. Studies that examine polyploid ecology may be at the intraspecific or interspecific level and may occur at scales of populations, communities, or ecosystems.

2. How whole genome duplication influences the adaptive process at both micro- and macroevolutionary scales.

3. How whole genome duplication affects eco-evolutionary dynamics that cascade through communities.

Submitted manuscripts can comprise a diversity of article types, including empirical and theoretical papers as well as Forum, Dialogue, and Ignite articles. We value and encourage submissions by authors of all backgrounds, nationalities, identities and ages.

Please submit your abstract on or before September 1, 2022 to the Special Issue editors (Kari Segraves, ksegrave [at] syr [dot] edu and Thomas Anneberg, THA30 [at] pitt [dot] edu) and Editor-in-Chief (Dries Bonte, dries [dot] bonte [at] ugent [dot] be) for initial evaluation of suitability for the Special Issue. Approved articles should be submitted to Oikos at before January 1, 2023.

Guest Editors

Dr. Kari Segraves is a professor in the Department of Biology at Syracuse University. She is broadly interested in understanding how species interactions shape biodiversity and uses a combination of field and laboratory experiments on model and non-model systems to test how species interactions influence the ecology and evolution of species and communities. She works with organisms spanning three kingdoms at both micro- and macroevolutionary scales. She received her Ph.D. from Vanderbilt University (United States) and was a National Science Foundation Interdisciplinary Informatics Postdoc at the University of Idaho (United States). E-mail: ksegrave [at] syr [dot] edu


Dr. Thomas Anneberg is an evolutionary ecologist studying the nexus of abiotic and biotic environmental interactions that shape the phenotypes of species, and how those interactions ultimately affect the ability of a focal species to become locally established. His research addresses this interest by testing the effects of whole-genome duplication, or polyploidy, on the nutritional needs of plants, and in turn, predicting the types of environments where these early generation polyploids should become established. He received his Ph.D. from Syracuse University (United States). He is now conducting his National Science Foundation Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Biology work at the University of Pittsburgh (United States), investigating how plant abiotic and higher-order biotic interactions can mediate the coexistence between diploid and polyploid populations. E-mail: THA30 [at] pitt [dot] edu

Keywords: adaptation, community context, eco-evo feedbacks, ecological context, neopolyploidy, polyploidy, species interactions


Figure attribution:

Ambystoma - Illustrator Gillian Harris. With permission. 

Xenopus - Pasted to collage. Photo: Brian Gratwicke, Licence:

Fireweed - Illustration: Mary Vaux Walcott, original from The Smithsonian. CC0

Deinococcus - Pasted to collage. Photo from EMSL, Licence:

Tragopogon - Illustration: Mary Vaux Walcott, original from The Smithsonian. CC0


