Insights into Oikos papers

Flowers and Flights

Spatio-temporal variation in plant-pollinator interactions: a multilayer network approach LAY SUMMARY No single organism exists without interacting with other coexisting species, and to ensure the maintenance of such interactions, species may change their partners in...

Cover December 2022

We at Oikos wish you HAPPY HOLIDAYS and are glad to share DECEMBER's cover showing a portrait of an adult griffon vulture in the Spanish Pre-Pyrenees. Passive rewilding after farmland abandonment affects the composition and functioning of scavenger assemblages in...

Cover September 2022

September's cover depicts a granivorous bird (Eurasian teal Anas crecca ) ingesting plant seeds to subsequently disperse. Read more about the seed dispersal effectiveness (SDE) framework in this FORUM PAPER: A seed dispersal effectiveness framework across the mutualism...

Cover August 2022

This month's cover shows us a pack of wolves caught by a camera trap for the study - "Predator control alters wolf interactions with prey and competitor species over the diel cycle" by Frey et al. 2022. ABSTRACT Predator control remains one of the most common...

Fruit bat-people interactions: benefits, costs, or risks?

Photo 1: Day roost of The Indian Flying Fox Forbidden fruits? Ecosystem services from seed dispersal by fruit bats in the context of latent zoonotic risk Bats can be effective seed dispersers of many forest trees and fruit crops, in...

Special Issue: Frugivory & Seed Dispersal

A cock-of the rock ( Rupicola rupicola ), a specialized frugivore, feeding on palm fruits. Photo credit: João Paulo Krajewski. Take a Look at this Special Issue: Frugivory & Seed Dispersal #OIKOS_FSD Table of Contents:

A novel form of physiologically based plant facilitation results in stable coexistence between two competitive shrubs

Facilitation at early growth stages results in spatial associations and stable coexistence in late growth stages of two long-lived, dominant shrubs Instead of competitively excluding each other in their resource-limited habitat, we observed two dominant, highly...

Experimental river noise alters arthropod abundance

The world is a noisy place, yet as visual creatures, ecologists have largely ignored its potential role as an important niche axis. Only recently has it gained broad attention, as the negative effects of anthropogenic noise on wildlife (especially vertebrates) have...

Stable nitrogen isotope analysis of amino acids as a new tool to clarify complex parasite–host interactions within food webs

Stable nitrogen isotope analysis of amino acids as a new tool to clarify complex parasite-host interactions within food webs This study explores the trophic relations between parasites and their hosts by applying stable isotopes to clarify parasite feeding strategies...

How do we bring public health and ecosystem science together to tackle antimicrobial resistance?

BLOG POST FOR IGNITE PAPER: " Improving the dialogue between public health and ecosystem science on antimicrobial resistance " In 2017 I was sitting in an office talking to Piran White and Hilary Graham at the Department of Health Sciences at the University of York, UK...


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