Insights into Oikos papers

Spatial distribution - phylogeny or environment?

A number of studies has shown the individual influence of dispersal mechanism, species height, sexual system, and wood density on the spatial distribution pattern of tropical tree populations at small spatial scales (i.e. < 50 m). These traits are usually conserved...

Individuals differ: does it matter?

Today we are hapy to introduce a new guest post. It's one of our editors, Isabelle Smallegange that has written about her contribution to our Special Issue on Individual Hetergeneity. Link to her blog is here. Individuals, be they plants or animals, are rarely equal...

Special Issue on Individual heterogeneity

We are very proud to announce the publication of our Special Issue “Individual heterogeneity: the causes and the consequences of a fundamental biological process”. This Special Issue originated from a workshop we held at UiT The Arctic University of Norway in Tromsø,...

When can plant populations be invaded by other species?

The world is experiencing increasing climatic variability, loss of biodiversity, and spread of invasive species. Together, these factors can have huge effects on the functioning of our ecosystems. But what makes ecological systems more resistant to biological invasions...

Editor's choice April

The first editor’s choice for the April issue is the meta-analysis by Frida Piper and colleagues . The authors present a global analysis on herbivory rates in understorey vegetation from forests. The rationale for the study comes from observations that herbivory in...

Did you fertilize evenly?

Thanks Jitka Klimesova for the cartoon about your recent paper "Philip Grime's fourth corner: are there plant species adapted to high disturbance and low productivity?" in Oikos! Sir, are you sure you have dug and fertilized the entire flower bed evenly?

Forever young - a strategy for niche differentiation?

On the right: paedomorphic alpine newt, a phenotype that retains gills at the adult stage (Photo by Mathieu Denoël). On the left: Fig. 2 of the article illustrating the isotopic niche of alpine newts, with paedomorphic females foraging more on planktonic organisms than...

Host heterogeneity determines epidemic outcomes

A dynamic network simulation where the infection (in red) spreads to uninfected individuals (blue). Infected individuals ultimately recover and become immune (green). Throughout the simulation, contacts between individuals are continuously dissolving and forming...

Do you ever feel tempted to try new things?

Do you ever feel tempted to try new things? As time goes on, we are always acquiring new preferences; it goes for food, books, songs and hobbies for example. Time, in the evolutionary scale, may also play an important role in determining the chances of species...

November Cover

The beautiful photo on the November Cover was taken by photographer Martin Oeggerli, and shows the single-celled eukaryote Euglena gracilis, that swims via an anterior flagellum and uses a paraflagellar body and red stigma (a red eyespot) to respond to light gradients...


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