
Appendices are any supplementary material that may be associated with a particular article. Most often they are uploaded as pdf:s, but may also consist of excel files, scripts, videos etc. Appendices are searchable via manuscript number, doi or author name.

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Appendices published prior to 2021 are found below. Files are sorted according to reference number and year. Please use the search function to find the appendix you are looking for. Wildcards (*) are accepted.

Newer appendices, from 2021 onwards, are available together with the articles at Wiley Online Library.

Article numbersort descending Year Description Documents
OIK-07652 2020

Fraser, K. M., Stuart-Smith, R. D., Ling, S. D. and Edgar, G. J. 2020. Small invertebrate consumers produce consistent size spectra across reef habitats and climatic zones. – Oikos doi: 10.1111/oik.07652

OIK-07688 2020

Segev, U., Tielbörger, K., Lubin, Y. and Kigel, J. 2020. Ant foraging strategies vary along a natural resource gradient . – Oikos doi: 10.1111/oik.07688 

OIK-07689 2020

Bonnet-Lebrun, A.-S., Somveille, M., Rodrigues, A. S. L. and Manica, A. 2020. Exploring intraspecific variation in migratory destinations to investigate the drivers of migration. – Oikos doi: 10.1111/oik.07689

OIK-07731 2020

del Mar Palacios, M. and McCormick, M. I. 2020. Positive indirect effects of top-predators on the survival and behaviour of juvenile fishes. – Oikos doi: 10.1111/oik.07731

OIK-07777 2020

Zeng, W., Xiang, W., Zhou, B., Ouyang, S., Zeng, Y., Chen, L., Freschet, G. T., Valverde-Barrantes, O. J. and Milcu, A. 2020. Positive tree diversity effect on fine root biomass: via density dependence rather than spatial root partitioning. – Oikos doi: 10.1111/oik.07777

OIK-07794 2020

Wickander, N. J., Rasmussen, P. U., Marteinsdóttir, B., Ehrlén, J. and Tack, A. J. M. 2020. Ecological and evolutionary responses of an arctic plant to variation in microclimate and soil. – Oikos doi: 10.1111/oik.07794

OIK-07835 2020

List of species or morphospecies emerged from or associated to herbivores hosted on plants in 14 Monte fragments in Valle de Uco (Mendoza, Argentina).


OIK-07838 2020

Shine, R., Udyawer, V. and Goiran, C. 202. 2020. Antipredator tactics: a kin-selection benefit for defensive spines in coral catfish? – Oikos doi: 10.1111/oik.07838
OIK-07847 2020

Cooke, J., Araya, Y., Bacon, K. L., Bagniewska, J. B., Batty, L., Bishop, T. R., Burns, M., Charalambous, M., Daversa, D. R., Dougherty, L. R., Dyson, M., Fisher, A. M., Forman, D., Garcia, C., Harney, E., Hesselberg, T., John, E. A., Knell, R., Maseyk, K., Mauchline, A. L., Peacock, J., Pernetta, A. P., Pritchard, J., Sutherland, W. J., Thomas, R. L., Tigar, B., Wheeler, P., White, R. L., Worsfold, N. T. and Lewis, Z. 2020. Teaching and learning in ecology: a horizon scan of emerging challenges and solutions. – Oikos doi: 10.1111/oik.07847

OIK-07874 2020

Lachaise, T., Bergmann, J., Rillig, M. C. and van Kleunen, M. 2020. Below- and aboveground traits explain local abundance, and regional, continental and global occurrence frequencies of grassland plants. – Oikos doi: 10.1111/oik.07874 

OIK-07919 2020

Burraco, P., Laurila, A. and Orizaola, G. 2020. Limits to compensatory responses to altered phenology in amphibian larvae. – Oikos doi: 10.1111/oik.07919
OIK-07937 2020

Quévreux, P., Barot, S. and Thébault, E. 2020. Interplay between the paradox of enrichment and nutrient cycling in food webs. – Oikos doi: 10.1111/oik.07937

OIK-2256 2015

Fründ, F., McCann, K. S. and Williams, N. M. 2015. Sampling bias is a challenge for quantifying specialization and network structure: lessons from a quantitative niche model. – Oikos doi: 10.1111/oik.02256
OIK-3239 2016

Coyle, J. 2016. Intraspecific variation in epiphyte functional traits reveals limited effects of microclimate on community assembly in temperate deciduous oak canopies. – Oikos doi: 10.1111/oik.03239

OIK-5653 2018

Wang, B., Segar, S. T., Deng, G.-Z., Luo, T.-X., Lin, H. and Peng, Y.-Q. 2018. Variation in trophic cascade strength is triggered by top–down process in an ant– wasp-fig system. – Oikos doi: 10.1111/oik.05653

OIK-5935 2018

DeWitt, P. D., Visscher, D. R., Schuler, M. S. and Thiel, R. O. 2018. Predation risks suppress lifetime fitness in a wild mammal. – Oikos doi: 10.1111/oik.05935

OIK9-02331 2015

Defossez, E., Lasbouygues, O., Courbaud, B., Schiffers, K. and Kunstler, G. 2015. Are variations of direct and indirect plant interactions along a climatic gradient dependent on species' strategies? An experiment on tree seedlings”. – Oikos doi: 10.1111/oik.02331

OIK9-02718 2015

Morel-Journel, T., Girod, P., Mailleret, L., Auguste, A., Blin, A. and Vercken, E. 2015. The highs and lows of dispersal: how connectivity and initial population size jointly shape establishment dynamics in discrete landscapes. – Oikos doi: 10.1111/oik.02718

